mem-noir: [mem-nwär] NOUN, A memoir, written in vignettes or verse, concerned with being a person of the Black race within the context of a specified subject, time period, or circumstance. Visual art or photographs, especially biographical in nature, are often incorporated.
Disrupt/ed (a mem-noir)
"a Black woman’s memory of her childhood confidence and the racist tide she swam against in suburban 1970s America"
Disrupt/ed (a mem-noir) is Pamela Woolford's upcoming illustrated memoir in verse in which she explores her early childhood in a planned integrated American town, amidst America's legacy of enslavement of Black people. The book is a child's eyes view of Black pride and liberal racism in 1970s suburban America. For book launch, early reviews, and more, click the "Read More" button below.
Includes advance praise for Disrupt/ed.
Click the "Book Website" button above to be taken to the webpage previewed below. You can scroll through the webpage below but must click the "Book Website" button above to be taken to the page to activate any links on the page.
A portion of Disrupt/ed is incorporated in the Up/Rooted series of virtual-reality experiences.

Disrupt/ed (a mem-noir) is supported in part by the Maryland State Arts Council.