As a followup to her upcoming childhood memoir-in-verse, Disrupt/ed (a memoir), Pamela Woolford is creating a multimedia project on Columbia's Black Freedom Visionaries, dozens of Black people who have lived in Columbia, Maryland, and have effected change nationally and internationally in the cause for freedom and other ideals central to the founding of her hometown of Columbia. She refers to the project as a memoir of memories, as she knew or knew of most of these adults during her childhood in the planned integrated town of Columbia, Maryland, in the 1970s and '80s.
For the project, which will be years in the making, Pamela Woolford has won a Changemaker Challenge Award from United Way of Central Maryland and Horizon Foundation. In 2020 Baltimore Sun ran a feature story on Woolford and her Columbia's Black Freedom Visionaries project.

Pamela Woolford at home in 1970s Columbia, Maryland.
"Powerful stories"
-Baltimore Sun Media