Photo by Bridget Turner.

Photo by Denée Barr.

Pamela Woolford featured at the Baltimore Museum of Art, 2022-2023.

Pamela Woolford featured at the University of Manitoba "Deconstruction of Being" weekend symposium, 2022

sponsored by CR8:BLK, Fractured Atlas, ¡Cinema Paradiso, and Film Fatales

Pamela Woolford as Bisson Lecturer in the Humanities at Marymount University.

Images of Pamela Woolford presenting at the inaugural Kwanzaa In August: Unboxed and Unbound Films at Anacostia Arts Center in DC.

Pamela Woolford headlined the October 15, 2020, TogetHER Women's Forum session sponsored by United Way of Central Maryland.
An excerpt from Pamela Woolford's 2020 TogetHER Women's Forum presentation. (For more info on the history in this clip, read The Great Land Robbery: the shameful story of how 1 million black families have been ripped from their farms by By Vann R. Newkirk II.


Pamela Woolford presenting at the 2019 Black Bottom Film Festival at August Wilson Cultural Center in Pittsburgh. Her film Generation was one of 20 official selections, alongside Idris Elba's directorial debut Yardie and Academy Award nominees If Beale Street Could Talk and Hale County This Morning, This Evening.

Pamela Woolford was a featured speaker in the 2019 panel discussion VISIONARY WOMEN, The Journey: Art About Women By Women at Columbia Art Center.